Saturday, March 3, 2018

March 3

March 3
From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God.

Have you ever messed up so bad that you thought things were hopeless Well you'd think that if anyone was going to be that low it would be Jonah After all he had disobeyed God run away from Him hidden in a boat and them ended up being swallowed by a  fish. But as bad things were Jonah turned to God. He didn't wait to get a nice clean church to pray and ask God's forgiveness right there in the belly of the great fish Jonah turned to God confessed his sin and asked forgiveness When you know you've messed up the minutes you know your prayer from wherever you are He will forgive you help you  get back on track. Dear God sometimes it seems like a special place to pray Help me to remember that I can pray anytime anywhere and You will hear me Amen.

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