Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24

March 24
I urge then first of  all that request prayers intersession and thanksgiving be result for everyone for kings and all those an authority that we may live peaceful and quiet  lives in all godliness and  holiness. Did you know that you can play a part in world decisions Yeah presidents senators re-pendent kings primes minsters people who make decision that affect the whole world need you prayers Do you think to the pray for there. These verses encourage you pray for those in authority After all they need God a lot. They make decision about wars taxes and normal everyday life for everyone When you pray for their team and that and give you a part in puts you on Remember to pray for these world leaders to follow God and to lead their nation with the wisdom He gives. Dear God Wow I didn't realize how important my prayers could be I pray that the leaders of my century will follow you closely Amen.  

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