Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14

❤👀❤👀❤👀❤👀❤👀❤👀❤👀❤👀March 14
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He  cares for you. What kinds of things do you worry about What keeps you awake at night with knot in your stomach the size of Toledo Stop and think about it does any of the stuff you worry about actually happen Most of doesn't  so why  spend so much time worrying it's hard to let go cause you have to have somewhere to put that energy The best things to do put that en energy into prayer Give your problems and worries to God He cares  about what worries you and He can take care of it Just give it to Him. Dear God it's hard to let go of things that worry or scare me Help me to be able to give those things to You and just leave them there . Amen.

1 comment:

Steve in Philly said...

Nada, Thank you very much for posting this. This particular prayer is very helpful to me right now. Steve Bachman