Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16

March 16
I waited patiently for the Lord He turned to me and heard my cry. Waiting is not fun Are you a patient waiter goes quietly about life until the things happen you've been waiting for How about with God Do you ask God to do something or help with something then get tired of waiting and take matters into your own hands. Here's a news flash you can't take care of things as well as He can. The psalmist learned that  it was important to wait patiently for God David cried out to God  poured out the feeling in his hearts then waited and God heard his prayers Waiting is not fun It's not easy. But when you wait you have time to learn to trust God and to think about if you really want Him to do what you asked in the heat of the moment. Dear God I'm too impatiently Help me to be more patient Help me learn to trust you more. Amen

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