Dear Friends, My Name is Nada Ghattas. I am deaf and have cerebral palsy. My life is difficult, but I know the Lord Jesus Christ is with me. I enjoy reading God's word the Bible every day. God's word comforts my heart and gives me great joy.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
6 verses from the Bible
Jesus will keep you strong.
O Lord our Lord how majestic in your name in all the earth.
Do not worry about your life.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Nothing is impossible with God.
I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
7 verses the Bible
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is in your name in all earth.
Do not worry about your life.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice.
Be patient with everyone.
Monday, December 26, 2011
7 verses from the Bible
The Lord bless you.
Do not worry about your life.
O Lord our Lord how majestic your name in the earth.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil
Praise the Lord because He is good.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
But God is my helper
Saturday, December 24, 2011
8 verses from the Bible
-Jesus will keep you strong.
-Nothing impossible with God.
-Do not worry about your life.
-See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
-Be patient with everyone.
-I know that the Lord always with me.
-We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
-Be careful and be wise.
Friday, December 23, 2011
new song
Sing to the Lord with new song.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Holy Holy Holy Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
Do not worry about tomorrow because Jesus has great plan for your life.
O God our God how wonderful your name in all the earth.
My hope in you O Lord.
Praise the Lord because He is good at all the times.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
9 verses from the Bible
Here are nine verses from the Bible
Serve the Lord with fear.
I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
The Lord is my rock fortress and deliver.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in the earth.
The Lord will bless you and keep you. =)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
new song
Praise the Lord because He is good at all times.
Wait for the Lord be strong don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord.
God is with you everywhere you go.
Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
Sing to the Lord with new song.
God's grace is enough for you.
We put our hope in you O Lord You are our protector and helper. =)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
New Song
O God our God how wonderful your name in all the earth.
Holy Holy Holy Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
Trust in the Lord because He is good at all the earth.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Do not worry about your life.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Count for Christmas 1
Saturday, December 17, 2011
6 verses from Bible
Jesus will keep you strong.
Give thanks to the Lord because He is good.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth
Friday, December 16, 2011
new Song
The Lord is good at all the times.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Do not worry about tomorrow because He has great plan for your life.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
new song
Jesus is your best friend.
The Lord is good at all the times.
Do not worry tomorrow because God has great plan for your life.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
4 verses from the Bible
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in the earth.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
Monday, December 12, 2011
4 verses from Bible
In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.
I will sing to the Lord.
The Lord is my strength and song.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
3 verses from the Bible
Obey the Lord your God.
The Lord your God loves you.
O Lord our Lord how majestic your name in all the earth.
Friday, December 9, 2011
new song
Jesus loves you very much.
Do not worry about your life because great plan your life.
Jesus is your best friend.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in the earth
Thursday, December 8, 2011
new Song
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how wonderful is your name in the earth.
Do not worry about your life.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
New Song
Jesus is holy pure.
Do not worry about your life because He has great plan for your life.
The Lord is good all time.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Monday, December 5, 2011
4 verses from Bible
Jesus will keep you strong.
Do not worry about your life.
O Lord our Lord How majestic is your name in all the earth.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil. =)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
new song
Jesus loves you very much.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Jesus is your best friend
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
Do not worry about your life.
Friday, December 2, 2011
4 verses from the Bible
See no evil Hear no evil and Speak no evil
Be careful and be wise.
Forget past and look for future
Thursday, December 1, 2011
New Song
Jesus loves you very much.
Sing to the Lord.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
God is good at all times.
O God our God How wonderful is your name all earth.
Holy Holy Holy Jesus is holy perfect.
Praise the Lord because He is good at all the earth.
Jesus is your best friend.
Find your delight in the Lord He will give you what you want.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Do not worry about your life.
We put our hope in the Lord He is protector and helper.
The Lord is peace.
O Lord our Lord How majestic your name in the earth.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
5 verses from the Bible
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Forget the past Look for future.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
Monday, November 28, 2011
5 verses from Bible
-We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Do not worry about your life.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in be want.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Be careful and be wise. =)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
five verses bible
Jesus will keep you strong-
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all earth.
Do not worry about your life
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil
5 verses from Bible
-Jesus will keep you strong
-O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all earth.
Do not worry about your life.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil
Friday, November 25, 2011
New Song
Give your worries to Jesus because He cares of you.
Find your delight in the Lord He will give you what your heart really want.
Sing to the Lord.
Praise God because He is good.
Nothing is impossible with God.
O Lord, your word is like lamp for my feet and my path.
Jesus loves you very much.
My hope is in you O Lord.
Jesus is your best friend.
God is good at all the times.
For you Lord helps and comforts me.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want.
Wait for God Do not lose your hope Wait for God.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King of Kings.
The Lord guides you because He knows what best for you.
We put our hope in the Lord He is your protector and helper.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King of Kings.
Jesus comforts your heart.
God is with you everywhere you go.
Jesus will keep you strong.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
new song
Do not worry about your life because He has great plan your life
The Lord loves you.
I love God because He hears my prayers and answers them.
O God our God how wonderful your name in all the earth.
Praise God because He is good at all times.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Four verses from Bible
- In beginning God created heavens and earth.
- I can do everything Christ who gives me strength.
- See no evil Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
- O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
4 verses from the Bible
The Law of Lord is perfect
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want
I love the Lord because He hears my prayer and answers them. =)
Monday, November 21, 2011
3 verses from The Bible
Nothing is impossible with God
The Lord loves you.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper
Saturday, November 19, 2011
few verses from the bible
Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice.
I love O Lord my strength.
Jesus will keep you strong.
Do not worry about your life.
Find your delight in the Lord He will give what your heart really want.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
O Lord our Lord How majestic is your name in all the earth.
Turn your worries to God because He cares of you.
For you Lord helped and comforted me.
God's willing is good pleasing and perfect.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Friday, November 18, 2011
new song
Jesus loves you very much.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Do not worry about tomorrow because Jesus has great plan for your life.
Nothing impossible with God.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King and Kings.
Jesus is your best friend
Jesus comforts your heart
Thursday, November 17, 2011
New Song
Jesus loves you very much.
Turn your worries to God because He cares of you.
Sing praise to the Lord.
God has great plan for your life.
Jesus is your best friend.
Holy, Holy, Holy Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
few verses bible
Do not worry about tomorrow.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
We put our hope in the Lord. He is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Do not worry about your life.
Praise the Lord because He is good.
For God loved the world so much He gave His Son. Anyone who believes in Him but have eternal life.
I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
New song
Holy, Holy, Holy, Jesus is holy pure.
Wait for God be strong don't lose your hope. Wait for God.
We put our hope in God. He is our protector and helper.
Do not worry about your life because the Lord has great plan for your life.
The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not in want.
Rejoice in God always I will again Rejoice.
Jesus is your best friend.
God is good at all the times.
Monday, November 14, 2011
New song
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus loves you very much.
We put our hope in the Lord he is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
You are holy O Jesus.
Do not worry about your life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
new song
Holy Holy Holy Jesus you are holy pure.God is good at all times.O God our God how wonderful is your name in all earth.Jesus loves you very much.Sing to the Lord.Praise to the Lord because He is good.O God your works are wonderful.I love the Lord because He hears my prayer and answers them.
Friday, November 11, 2011
few verses bible new song
So trust in the Lord always
We put our hope in the Lord. He is our protector and helper.
]The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.Wait for the Lord Don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord.
Do not worry about your life.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
See no evil Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
New Song
Do not worry about tomorrow because God has great plan for your life.
We put our hope in God He is our protector and helper.
The Lord is good at all the times.
Praise the Lord because He is good
Jesus loves you very much.
Jesus is your best friend
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Jesus comforts your heart.
So trust in God always
Sing praise to the Lord.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King of Kings.
The Lord is with you everywhere you go.
Wait for God be strong don't lose your hope Wait for God.
Jesus is holy pure and perfect
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Lord, Your word is like lamp for my feet and light for my path.
Do not worry about your life.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper
Jesus comforts your heart.'
I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them.
The Lord loves you.
O Lord your works are wonderful
.Jesus is your best friend
Nothing is impossible with God.
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King of Kings
Find your delight in the Lord He will give you what you want.
God is good at all the times
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the time.
Rejoice in Jesus always I will again Rejoice.
Sing to the Lord.
The Lord has great plan for your life
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
few verses from the bible and new song
For God loved the world so much He gave His Son Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Nothing is impossible with God.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
Be patient with everyone.
Do not worry about your life.
Turn your worries to God because He cares of you.
Be careful and be wise.
He'll God bless you in everything you do. =)
New Song
Jesus loves you very much.
We put our hope in God He is your protector and helper.
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
My hope is in you O Lord.
God is good at all the times.
Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you want.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Do not worry about your life.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
few verses from the bible
Monday, November 7, 2011
New song
Saturday, November 5, 2011
few verses from Bible
Friday, November 4, 2011
few verses bible
Thursday, November 3, 2011
new song
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
new song
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
three verses from Bible
Monday, October 31, 2011
four verses from the BIBLE
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Forget the past and Look for future.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
Jesus said, I am the bread of life. =)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
new Song
Jesus is Lord of Lords.
Jesus is King of Kings.
You are wonderfully holy O Lord.
Praise the L0rd because He is good at all the times.
Jesus is holy pure and perfect.
O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Lord I wait for your salvation
.Do not worry about your life because The Lord has great plan for your life
Friday, October 28, 2011
Verses from Bible
Do not worry about your life.
We put our hope in the Lord he is our protector and helper.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Three verses from Bible
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Praise the Lord because He is good.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
few verses from the Bible
Sing new song to the Lord.We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.Do not worry about your life.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
few verses from the Bible
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
Love is patient Love is kind.
Follow my example as I follow of Christ.
God is faithful.
Monday, October 24, 2011
two verses from Bible
The Lord loves you.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Four verses from Bible
Do not worry about tomorrow.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our helper and protector.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
For God loved the world so much that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Four verses from Bible
We put our hope in the Lord He is our helper and protector.
Do not worry about your life.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Few verses the Bible
The Lord loves you.
Do not worry about your life.
The Lord your God will fight for you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
three verses from Bible
Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice.
The Lord bless and keep you.
Love is patient and Love is kind. =)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
four verses from Bible
See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
Jesus will keep you strong.
We pray that the kingdom of God will come.
The Lord gives me strength and makes me sing.
Monday, October 17, 2011
few verses from the Bible
Do not worry about your life.
Jesus said, Behold I am coming soon.
The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Teach your way O Lord.
Jesus said, ''I am true vine.''
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Verses from Bible
Be strong in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord.
The Lord loves you. =)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh.
The Lord sent big fish to swallow Jonah.
Jonah prayed to the Lord.
The Lord caused big fish to return Jonah to Nineveh (dry land.)
The Lord forgave people at Nineveh He didn't destroy them.
God hates all that is evil.
We must to look the Lord He gives us what we need.
Jesus showed His own love for all people.
New Testament
The Acts is the part of book in the Bible The same author by Luke who wrote Gospel of Luke.
Luke was very careful what wrote about.
In addition, Luke was travelling with Paul.
The First Christians did great things by the Lord's power.
The Lord taught Peter and another Christians that the Lord's good news for everyone, every nation.
Paul was travelling many places to tell people about Jesus.
Paul wrote many New Testament in the Bible.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
old testament and new testament 1
Genesis is the first part book of Old Testament.
God made beautiful a world.
But Adam and Eve did not obey God.
Joseph was son of Jacob.
New Testament
Matthew is Gospel good news of New Testament.
It is story of Jesus Christ,
Jesus came David's family.
Jesus was born from David's city
Jesus is the Christ
Jesus is also son of Abraham.
Jesus means ''savior.''
Blessed are the meek.
Jesus was perfect.
Jesus defeated the devil. defeat=to victory over the devil.
Jesus caused Deaf people to hear.
Jesus is alive today in heaven.
Jesus will come again.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
New Song
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
1 Timothy 6:6-10
Monday, October 10, 2011
Who is Jesus

Jesus loves you very much.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
Christ died for us while we were sinners This way God shows His great love for us.
Jesus is Son of God.
Jesus is Lamb of God.
Jesus was sinless man.
Jesus said, ''I am the way truth and life No one goes to the Father but by me.''
Jesus said, ''I tell you the truth he who believes has everlasting life.''
Jesus is always with you. =)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
new song

Rejoice in Jesus always because Jesus makes you happy. Do not worry about your life because God has great plans your life. I know that God is always with me. We put our hope in God. He is our protector and helper. Holy, Holy, Holy You are holy O Jesus. Jesus is Son of God. Holy Spirit lives in your heart. Praise God because He is so good O God our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth.
Friday, October 7, 2011
What do the Bible verse mean and What is Agape? four verses from Psalm
Agape- To love someone without think of yourself. For an example God's great love is for us God sent His only Son Jesus died on the cross for your sins. John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Here are four verses from Psalm For you Lord helped and comforted me. I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them. Your Lord's word is like lamp for my feet and light for my path. Praise the Lord because He is so good. =)

Thursday, October 6, 2011
something new

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Few verses from Bible
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
few verses from the Bible
- I trust in you O God.
-In the beginning God created heavens and earth.
-God is light There is no darkness at all.
-The Lord is My Banner.
-Forget the past and look for future.
Monday, October 3, 2011
few verses from the Bible
- Be patient with everyone.
- Depend on the Lord and His strength.
- Verse from Luke You should seek God's kingdom.
- Let us keep looking on Jesus Hebrews 12:2.
- God will meet your needs Phil 4:19.
- You must not lies. =)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
few verses from the Bible
- Paul said, ''I am follower Way of Jesus.''
- Do not worry about your life.
- Psalm 29:11 The Lord blesses His people with peace.
- God who does not lie.
-Jesus will keep you strong.
-We know that God loves you. =)
You can look at twitter!/nadaghattas if you want. Encourage you read the Bible everyday=)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
five verses from the Bible
1.) Phil 3:1 Be joyful because you belong to the Lord.
2.) 2 Timothy 2:19 All those who belong to the Lord must turn away all evil.
3.) 2 Timothy 2:25 God will change people's hearts.
4.) Genesis 1:1 In beginning God made heaven and earth.
5.) Matthew 4:10 Jesus said, ''Away from me Satan It is written Worship the Lord your God and Serve Him only.''
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
five verses from the Bible
Romans 12:1 Brothers and sisters God has shown you His mercy.
James 1:21 Get rid of everything that is dirty and sinful.
1 Corinthians 6:18 Keep far from sexual sins.
1 Corinthians 6:20 Christ has paid the price for you.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in the earth Psalm 8:9
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
How to be good Christian behavior? 1 verse from the Bible
Honor your father and mother- Respect your parents.
Show proper respect to everyone.
Do not talk bad words with people.
Do not lie to each others.
Let us not be jealous of each others.
Let us not make each others angry.
Do not complain against each others dear brothers.
Always try to be more kind to everyone.
Be patient with everyone.
Children Obey your parents that what the Lord wants is right.
Don't judge each others.
Avoid every kind of evil.
Love one another you must love one another as Jesus have loved you.
Forgive each others as the Lord forgive you.
Do not be like Cain who murdered his brother Abel.
Be generous and willing share.
Here is one verse from the Bible 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight for good fight of the faith. Take hold the eternal life which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witness. =)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven
hallowed be your name
your kingdom come
your will be done on the earth as in heaven.
Give us today daily bread.
Forgive us our debts debts-sins
as we forgive our debtors. Debtors- sinners against us.
And Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil one.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
few verses from Bible
- Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
-The Lord is my light and my salvation.
-Wait and patient for the Lord.
-Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not own your understand Proverbs 3:5 Lean depend
Friday, September 23, 2011
verses from the Bible
- Do whatever He Jesus tells you.
-Thou hast summer and winter.
-Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving.
-For the Lord is coming. =)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Few sentences of story from the Bible
- -God made all animals to run and play green grass
- -Samuel gave David special blessing One day David would be king.
- -David was son of Jesse.
- -Isaac was son of Abraham and Sarah
- -Rebekah was wife of Isaac
- -Isaac and Rebekah had two sons
- -Jacob and Esau were sons of Isaac and Rebekah.
*Lord You are wonderfully holy. =)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
three verses from the Bible
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
The decisions of the Lord.
The Lord will continually guide you.
*Jesus Lamb of God Worthy is His name =)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
three verses from bible
The Lord your God will fight for you.
The Lord the Lord himself is my strength.
Be patient and accept each others.
Monday, September 19, 2011
few verses from Bible
- My hope is in you Lord
- Wait and trust in the Lord
- Keep yourselves pure.
- The Lord hates lying tongue
*David was God's choice not people's choice.
*Ask holy spirit help you understand better. =)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
New Verses from the Bible
- I will sing to the Lord.
-So God created man in His own image.
-I know that the Lord is always with me.
-The Lord bless you and keep you.
-Do not become angry because getting angry is foolish. =)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Learn Something New
Forget the past and look for future.
Jesus loves you very much because Bible says the Lord loves you. The Lord your God loves you.
God has wonderful plan for your future Because Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plan and I have plan for you declares the Lord.
Don't give up on the Lord.
Keep your hope in the Lord.
Christ is Savior of the world.
Continually praying-Never stop praying.
You are imperfect (Not perfect.) however, the Lord still chose you as His children. I hope you learned something new =)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
few Verses from the Bible
God is greater than our heart God knows everything.
God told Paul My grace is enough for you.
Do not worry about tomorrow.
Blessed are the merciful They will be shown mercy.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Who is Christ and few verses from the Bible
God sent His Son Christ to save people in the world.
Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Christ was born from Virgin Mary.
Virgin Mary was Christ's mother.
Christ was thirty years old.
John the Baptist was Christ's cousin.
He told Christ, ''I will baptize you with water but baptize you with Holy Spirit.''
Holy Spirit came upon Christ It looked like dove.
A voice from heaven ''You are my Son who I am pleased well.''
Christ said to Satan, ''It is written Man does not live on the bread only.''
Christ said to Satan, ''It is written Do not put the Lord your God to test.''
Christ said to Satan, ''Away from me Satan it written Worship the Lord your God and Serve Him only.''
Here are few verses from Bible
True love is God's love
We know that we live in God and God live in us.
Hebrews 4:12 God's word is alive. =)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
four verses from the BIBLE
Psalm 8:9 O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all earth.
Psalm 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good things.
Genesis 1:27 God made people in His own image.
Verse from Acts He Paul preached about kingdom of God.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Few verses from the Bible
The Lord is my strength and my song.
Worship the Lord your God.
Blessed are the peacemakers. Matthew 5:9.
Follow my example as I follow example of Christ.
*Grace and salvation are in Jesus.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Few verses from the Bible
1.) May the Lord judge between you and me.
2.) Wait for the Lord be strong and take heart Wait for the Lord.
3.) Anyone who serves the Lord he should not fight but he should be kind to everyone kind-more nice or friendly.
*Jesus is always Last Adam. =)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Few verses from the Bible
1.)The Lord was with Joseph He became successful in Egypt.
2.) The Lord will take care of you.
3.) You must get rid anger passion and hateful feelings.
4.) Serve the Lord.
*While Paul and Silas were in prison (Jail) they were praying and hymn praise the Lord Hymn- sing praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. =)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
few verses from the Bible
1.) Stay away from anything which sin against God.
2.) We shouldn't be upset each others.
3.) The Lord bless you and keeps you.
4.) Do not be like Cain who murdered his brother Abel.
Encourage you remember verses from the Bible =)
Please pray for my sister that the Lord is with her and support her at college. =)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Few verses from the Bible
-Keep yourselves pure.
-Honor your father and mother-respect your dad and mom.
-Avoid every kind of evil (Avoid bad things.)
-Work together as team. =)
Friday, September 2, 2011
few new verses from the bible
1.) Peter repented they left everything and followed Him Jesus.
2.) The Lord hates lying tongue.
3.) The Lord is full of love and forgiveness.
4.) I will sing praise your (Lord's) name.
Encourage you remember verses from the Bible =)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
3 journals and few verses from the Bible
On August 29 I started Bible studies college at home because I want to learn more deeper about the Lord and understand Bible better. =) Like my sister go to college. Please pray for my sister that the Lord is with her and support her.
Journal #26
New Song
Jesus is your best friend.
Jesus is your Savior.
Jesus is your hope.
Jesus loves you very much.
Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus forgives your sins.
Jesus gives you peace.
Jesus comforts your heart.
Journal #27
The Lord wants you to trust in Him because will answer your prayer. He knows what you need. In addition, Hannah prayed for son. The Lord answered her prayer. Hannah had son. Her son name was Samuel. The Lord wants you to love one another. The Bible teaches you Jesus said, ''Love one another. You must love one another as I have loved you.'' Jesus wants you to forgive people forgive-you must forget it. Ask Jesus help you to forgive people. Therefore, Jesus wants you to have full of joy in Him always. Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice.
Journal #28
Do everything without complaining or arguing. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. Therefore, Be joyful because you belong to the Lord. Think of these things. Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice Rejoice in Jesus.Christ lives in me. Jesus lives in your heart. Therefore, So obey God Stand up to the devil. He will run away from you. Jesus said, away from me Satan. It is written worship the Lord your God serve Him only. In addition, Come near God. He will come near to you. Remember new verse from says Anyone who be friend to the world become enemy of God.
Here are few verses from the Bible
Job said, ''God sees my way. He counts my step I take.''
God said to Job, ''Be quiet I will speak.''
God said to Job ''Be quiet I will give you wisdom.''
God told Paul my grace is enough for you.
Jesus said, ''I will give you wisdom''
I trust in the Lord for protection.
Serving the Lord. =)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
few verses from the bible
The Lord is strong tower.
God is higher part in heaven.
Jesus Christ is same yesterday today forever.
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Journal #25
What Jesus has done for you?
The true answer is -Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
-Jesus forgives your sins.
-Jesus makes you happy.
-Jesus knows what is best for you.
-Jesus protects you always.
-Jesus is with you always.
-Jesus comforts your heart
-Jesus gives you peace.
-Jesus gives you strength.
*Remember verses from the Bible May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. We love Him God because He first loved us.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What do you do if you have difficult time
-For you Lord helped me and comforted me.
-Blessed those who mourn (cry) they will be comforted.
-The Lord is the One who comforts you.
-Jesus said, ''I will never leave you comfortless.''
-Remember Jesus comforts your hearts.
-Do not worry about tomorrow
-Do not worry about your life
-Give all your worries to God because He cares of you.
-Remember Jesus cares of you.
-We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
-Wait for the Lord be strong don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord.
-Remember Jesus is your hope.
-The Joy of the Lord makes you strong
-Jesus will keep you strong.
-I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
-Remember Jesus give you strength.
-Jesus said to Satan, ''Do not put the Lord your God to the test.''
-Jesus said, ''Away from me Satan Worship the Lord your God and Serve Him only.''
-The Lord your God will fight for you.
-The Lord your God fights for you as He promised.
-Remember Jesus protects you always.
-Jesus said, ''I am with you always until end of ages.''
-I know that the Lord is always with me.
-The Lord will be with you.
-God has said, ''Never forsaken you and leave you.''
-Remember Jesus is with you always.
-Rejoice in the Lord always I will again rejoice.
-Joy of the Lord makes you strong
-Rejoice in the Lord and be gladness.
-Be joyful because you belong to the Lord.
-Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord.
-Remember Jesus makes you happy.
-Always rememb

-Remember Jesus comforts your hearts.
-Remember Jesus cares of you
-Remember Jesus is your hope.
-Remember Jesus gives you strength.
-Remember Jesus protects you always
-Remember Jesus is with you always
-Remember Jesus makes you happy
Monday, August 22, 2011
Journal #24
The Lord will with you. Praise the name of the Lord. Honor one another better than yourselves. Shout with joy to the Lord in all the earth. Give thanks to the Lord His love endures forever. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want. For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son Anyone whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God is my helper. The Lord is one who keeps me going. Be patient with everyone Do not be like Cain who murder his brother Abel. We do not know what to do but our are upon you Lord. encourage you read the bible everyday. =)
Friday, August 19, 2011
Journal #23
Verses from Matthew Bible Study learn about Jesus 1
Jesus said, Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about your life. Jesus said, It is written Do not put the Lord your God to the test. Jesus said, It is written Away from me Satan It is written Worship the Lord your God serve Him only. In addition, Do not judge each others you will not be judged. You will not be judged. You will be judged at the same way you will judge each others. If you forgive men who sin against you then your heavenly father will forgive your sins; however, If you don't forgive men who sin against you then your heavenly father will not forgive your sin. You cannot serve both masters God and Money at the same time. Love your enemies and pray for those who hurt you. Jesus said,''Come to me all of you who weary and burdened I will give you rest.'' Therefore, Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. Jesus cried out on the cross, ''My God My God Why you deserted me?'' Jesus said, ''I am with you always until end of your age.''
Journal #23
New song
Worship God because He is holy.
I know that God is with me always.
Jesus gives you strength.
O God your works is wonderful.
For you God help me and comfort me.
Give your worries to Jesus because He cares of you.
The Lord's word is true.
God has great plan for your life.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Journal #22
The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind.
In the beginning God made heavens and earth.
Jesus Christ is same yesterday today and forever.
God told Paul my grace is enough for you.
The Lord is my strength my song.
Your Lord right hand was majestic and power.
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth.
We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Journal #21
Christ will shine on you. But thank be to God He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, The Lord The Lord is my strength. Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice. Give thanks to God over all of gods. Give thanks to the Lord over all of lords. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want. Do not lie to each others.
Why you should forgive your enemies?
The true answer is: The Lord wants you to forgive your enemies because the Bible says Jesus said, ''Love your neighbors hate your enemies but I tell you the truth Love your enemies and pray for those who hurts you.'' Be kind and loving to each others. Forgive each others as God forgave you in Christ. If you are true Christian you should forgive your enemies. Forgive- you must forget it. I will not remember their sins no more. You can ask Jesus help you to forgive your sins.
You can pray tell to Jesus like this example
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for God's word comforts me. I am so sorry for my sins because I don't love people and forgive people. I ask You forgive my sins Help me to love people and forgive people as You love me and forgive me. In Jesus' name amen
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Journal #20
For Him Christ we live, we move and we have being. In addition, The Lord is at right hand. Submitting to one another in fear God. The Lord is Peace. Jesus loves you very much. He died on the cross for your sins. If you do wrong things, ask Jesus to forgive your sins. The good news is Jesus will forgive you. Jesus wants you keep think of Him always. The Lord wants you to trust in Him always. The Lord wants you to believe in Him will answer your prayers. Never stop praying. I love the Lord for He hears my prayers and answers them.
For an example what you should pray to God:
Dear God
Thank you for you sent your only Son Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for my sins because sometimes I don't trust in You at all times. I ask You to forgive my sins. Help me to trust in You at all times. Help me follow You and Your willing. Please God protect me from all evil people. In Jesus name Amen
Monday, August 15, 2011
Journal #19
The Grace of Jesus Christ Lord be with you all. Whoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born God. Don't make yourselves idols of gods. The Lord will give you success. Give praise to the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord because He is good His faithful love endures (continues) forever. For you the Lord helps me and comforts me. The cross is God's power. Wait for the Lord be brave don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord. Ask Holy Spirit to help you wait patient for God.
In addition you can look at twitter if you want to know more verses from the Bible!/nadaghattas encourage you read the bible everyday. =)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Journal #18
God is in control. God knows everything the Bible tells you the truth God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything. In addition, Jesus loves you very much and He cares of you. Jesus wants you to learn new habits. He wants you to learn more enjoy your life. Jesus wants you to be happy always. Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice. Therefore, Allow Jesus fights for you because the Bible says the Lord fights for you as He has promised. You must never stop going to church morning and evening because Jesus wants you to worship Him, keep faith in the Lord, pray to the Lord and encourage each others.
*Remember verses from the Bible The Lord said, ''You are my own holy people.'' He The Lord is coming to judge earth. The Lord bless you. The Lord is Peace. =)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Journal #17
Mercy peace and love be in yours abundance. Be joyful because you belong to the Lord. Therefore, I trust in God's love forever and ever. God, I thank to you forever for what you have done. When I am afraid I will trust in you. Give all your worries to God because He cares for you. Trust in the Lord and do good. Your Lord's word is like lamp for my feet and light for my path way. I love the Lord because He hears my prayer and answers them. Praise the Lord because He is so good. Forget the past and look for future. The Lord loves you. =)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Journal #16
O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. Jesus Christ is same yesterday today and forever. For you Lord helped and comforted me. Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice. Wait for the Lord be strong Don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord. Enjoy serving the Lord and He will give you what you want. Do not let anyone despise you. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who gives me strength. Anyone who serves the Lord He must not fight but he must be kind to everyone. You cannot serve both God and Money. Jesus will keep you strength-strong. Show proper respect to everyone. Jesus said, ''I am good shepherd.'' Jesus said, ''Do not put test the Lord your God.'' :-)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Journal #15
Keep yourself pure. Do not neglect your gift. The Lord be with your spirit Grace be with you. Pray continually. Do not talk bad word with people. Let us not be jealous of each others. Do not lie to each others. God's word is true. Forgive each others as The Lord forgave you. In addition, Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. Jesus said, ''I am the bread of life.'' The Word was with God. The Word was God. Love your neighbors just as you love yourself. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. Do not worry about your life. :-)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Journal #14
What does Jesus want you to do? the truth answer is: Jesus loves you very much. Jesus knows what is the best for you. In addition, Jesus wants you to obey and follow Him always. Jesus wants you to be happy always. Jesus wants you to be more kind with people. Jesus wants you to be patient with people. The Bible tells you the truth Anyone who serves the Lord must not fight but must be kind to everyone. Be patient with everyone. Jesus wants you to love people. Therefore, The Bible tells you the truth Love your neighbors as you love yourself. Jesus said, ''Love one another you must love one another as I have love you.'' Jesus wants you to spend time with Him everyday. Jesus wants you to think of Him always. The Bible tells you the truth Never stop thinking of Jesus. Jesus wants you to not grumble what He gives you. The Bible tells you Jesus said, ''Stop grumbling among yourselves.'' In addition, Jesus wants you to be grateful (thankful) to Him always. Jesus wants you not listen to world-devil because the devil is a liar. The Bible tells you the truth So obey God Stand up to the devil He will run away from you. Ask Jesus to fight for you against Satan people. Jesus said, ''Away from me Satan It is written Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.''
*you need to talk to God that is called prayer. God knows what you think at all times. For an example what you need to pray
Dear God,
Thank you for the Bible your word comforts me. Thank you for you sent your only Son Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for my sins because grumbling against you. Forgive my sins. Help me to be grateful to you always. Help me remember that Jesus is with me always. Help me to obey what you want In Jesus' name amen
*Remember verses from the Bible The Lord the Lord gives me strength makes me song. Praise the Lord and worship him. The Lord is spring of living of water. Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you want. Nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible with God. The Lord knows how to deliver godly out of temptation.
Journal #14
New Song
Clap your hands praise God because He is so good.
The Lord is good at all times.
Jesus is with you always He never leave you alone No.
God comforts your heart.
God's grace is enough for you.
Don't worry about your life because The Lord has great plan for your life.
We put our hope in God He is our protector and helper.
God loves you very much. =)