Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Journal #14

Journal #14
What does Jesus want you to do? the truth answer is: Jesus loves you very much. Jesus knows what is the best for you. In addition, Jesus wants you to obey and follow Him always. Jesus wants you to be happy always. Jesus wants you to be more kind with people. Jesus wants you to be patient with people. The Bible tells you the truth Anyone who serves the Lord must not fight but must be kind to everyone. Be patient with everyone. Jesus wants you to love people. Therefore, The Bible tells you the truth Love your neighbors as you love yourself. Jesus said, ''Love one another you must love one another as I have love you.'' Jesus wants you to spend time with Him everyday. Jesus wants you to think of Him always. The Bible tells you the truth Never stop thinking of Jesus. Jesus wants you to not grumble what He gives you. The Bible tells you Jesus said, ''Stop grumbling among yourselves.'' In addition, Jesus wants you to be grateful (thankful) to Him always. Jesus wants you not listen to world-devil because the devil is a liar. The Bible tells you the truth So obey God Stand up to the devil He will run away from you. Ask Jesus to fight for you against Satan people. Jesus said, ''Away from me Satan It is written Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.''

*you need to talk to God that is called prayer. God knows what you think at all times. For an example what you need to pray
Dear God,
Thank you for the Bible your word comforts me. Thank you for you sent your only Son Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I am so sorry for my sins because grumbling against you. Forgive my sins. Help me to be grateful to you always. Help me remember that Jesus is with me always. Help me to obey what you want In Jesus' name amen
*Remember verses from the Bible The Lord the Lord gives me strength makes me song. Praise the Lord and worship him. The Lord is spring of living of water. Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you want. Nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible with God. The Lord knows how to deliver godly out of temptation.

Journal #14
New Song
Clap your hands praise God because He is so good.
The Lord is good at all times.
Jesus is with you always He never leave you alone No.
God comforts your heart.
God's grace is enough for you.
Don't worry about your life because The Lord has great plan for your life.
We put our hope in God He is our protector and helper.
God loves you very much. =)

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