Tuesday, May 26, 2009

7 new songs

Here are seven new songs for you:
  1. Jesus, Jesus is Lord of Lords. He is King of Kings. I will sing to you. O Jesus. Chorus Jesus is Lamb of God. He is Son of God.
  2. Praise God, Praise God for He is so good at all times. Chorus Praise the Lord for He is so good at all times.
  3. Open my eyes O Lord, I want to see your face. Chorus Open my ears O Lord, I want to hear your voice.
  4. Holy Spirit lives in my heart. Holy Spirit helps me understand about Jesus. Chorus Holy Spirit lives in me.
  5. Jesus never change No.Jesus never change No. Chorus Jesus is same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.
  6. Do not worry about your future. For the Lord have great plan for your future. Chorus Jesus have great plan for your future.
  7. Remember God will with you wherever you go. Chorus God never leave you No.

I hope you enjoy learn new songs.

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