Revelation 21:8 But the
cowardly the unbelieving the vile the murderers the sexually immoral those who
practice magic arts the idolater and all liars their place will be in the fiery of lake of
burning sulfur. This is the second death.
Psalm 44:21 Would not God have discovered it since
he knows the secrets of the heart.
1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates
his brother is murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life in Him.
Matthew 5:22 Jesus said, but
I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother then will be subject to judged. Again anyone who says to his
brother Raca is answerable to the sanbedrin But anyone who says you fool will be
in danger of the fire of hell.
Life of Jesus story #9
A Blind man sees again Mark
Sick people followed
Jesus everywhere.
They wanted Him to
heal them.
One man who was
heard that Jesus was
walking by.
He cried out Jesus
please help me.
People told the man
to be quiet but
Jesus asked the man
would like me to do for
The man said I want
to see again.
So Jesus healed the
man's eyes.
How happy the man
was to see again.
Do you know someone
who is sick.
You could pray right
now and ask
Jesus to make them
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