Wednesday, February 10, 2016

february 10 2016

February 10, 2016
Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit will come to you. Then you will receive power. You will be my witnesses.
Psalm 37:4 Enjoy serving the Lord. And he will give you what you want.
Life of Jesus Story #15
A Miracle in Cana John 2:1-12 1
¨       There was a wedding in the village of Cana in
¨       Galilee Mary the mother of Jesus of Jesus went
¨       to the wedding so did Jesus and his disciples.
¨       The party went on for a long time. Then Mary
¨       was that the wine was all gone.
¨       She told Jesus. Jesus saw six large
¨       stone water jars. He asked the
¨       servants to fill the  jars up to the top with water.
¨       The servants went back and forth to the well to get
¨       water. It took a while to the fill water jars.
¨       They held twenty to thirty gallons each.
¨       Then Jesus said, take some water and give

¨       it to the  man in charge.

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