Tuesday, September 15, 2015

moses 6

The Walking Stick Miracle Exodus 7:8-13
·        God sent Moses and his brother Aaron back to the king. ''Let God's people go,'' Moses said.
·        The king said, ''Do a miracle.'' Aaron threw  down his walking stick, and it became a snake.
·        The king's magicians threw down their sticks, and they became snakes too.
·        However, Aaron's snake swallowed them all.
·        The Lord's power was the strongest.
·        Still the king was so evil and his heart was hard, which the king said, ''No your people can't leave.''
               The ten plagues that  God banished Egyptian king Pharaoh:
·        the river would be turn to blood.
·        vast hordes of frogs.
·        the dust would turn into swarms of gnats.
·        swarms of flies.
·        livestock.
·        boils.
·        hailstorm.
·        locusts.
·        terrify darkness
·        death for Egypt's firstborn.

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