Monday, September 7, 2015

Joseph 7

Joseph's Brothers Visit Egypt Genesis 41:46 Genesis 42:6
·        For the next seven years, Joseph stored lots of food. Then the hungry time came.
·        It was bad for other lands, but the people of Egypt had food. Joseph's family back home were very hungry.''Go to Egypt and buy grain,'' Jacob told his sons. So ten brothers packed up and went to Egypt. The youngest brother Benjamin, stayed home.
Spies  Genesis 42:7-20
·        When the brothers came to the palace, Joseph knew right away who they were. But they didn't recognize him.
·        ''You are spies,'' he said to test them. They replied ''No we've come to buy food.'' They told Joseph all about their family.'
·        Joseph gave them food but said if they ever came back they must bring youngest brother. Joseph wanted to see his youngest  brother Benjamin.
The Bowing Brothers Genesis 43:15-26
·        One day Joseph's brothers needed more food. They came back to Egypt and brought Benjamin with them. Joseph told his servants to prepare a feast for them.
·        When Joseph came to the feast, all the brothers bowed down to him. It was just like Joseph dream about his brothers' bundles of wheat bowing down to his. 

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