Thursday, January 6, 2011

Verses from bible january 6,2011

January 6,2011

Here are five verses from the bible

You Lord are my rock and protection

Wait for the Lord be strong and be brave wait for the Lord.

Do not say bad things about servant and master.

Do not talk bad words with people.

I can do everything through Christ because He gives me strength.

In addition, The Lord loves you. Remember that Jesus loves you very much. Jesus died on the cross for your sin. Ask Jesus forgive your sin. Jesus is your Savior. Jesus is your best friend. Jesus is with you always. Jesus comforts your heart. Jesus knows what is the best for you. Jesus gives you strength. Jesus is your protector. Jesus wants you be happy always. Jesus wants you not to worry about your life. Jesus wants you trust in Him always. The Bible say we put our hope in the Lord. He is our protector and helper. Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord.

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