Monday, May 7, 2018

May 6-7 and May 13-14 4

May 6-7 and  May  13-14  4 These words from 1 Samuel were spoken by David a little kid He said them to Goliath a nine-foot tall experience soldier David went to fight Goliath with only sling and some stones By all rights he should have been shaking in his Sandals There was no reason on earth David should have been able to defeat the giant. However there are reason a heaven....God was fighting with a spear and sword had a chance against God Whatever you may be facing trouble with parents friends grades bad choices you've made none of it is too  big for God to handle Try Him. You really wanted that cute outfit from that outrageously expensive store. Mom said if you want it save up your money and but it yourself. So you did That outfit represents hours of babysitting runny nosed kids So do you throw it on the floor and toss your muddy soccer shoes on top of it. Hopefully your investment of time and energy means you take better care of  than that God invested in you He sent His only Son Jesus to die and raised back to life for you It makes sense that His investment would mean that He's going to be there when you need his help. He wouldn't invest that much in you then  just turn around and walk away. Dear God sometimes I think I've messed my life up so much that I can't be fixed Thanks for the reminder that nothing a too big for you. I never thought about your love being an investment in me. Thanks I know You will be here to help me whatever happens. Yeah some decision aren't easy Help me know what is right and what is wrong Thanks Amen.    

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