Dear Friends,
My Name is Nada Ghattas. I am deaf and have cerebral palsy. My life is difficult, but I know the Lord Jesus Christ is with me. I enjoy reading God's word the Bible every day. God's word comforts my heart and gives me great joy.
Monday, May 21, 2018
May 21 4
May 21 4 If you remain in Me and My words remain in you ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. What do you want to ask God is there something that you have been too scared to ask God Did it seem like a silly request or maybe too gutsy Lay the right foundation here remain in Him. That means stay close to Him Spend time with Him every day and talk with Him. When you do that day and begin to think more like him You begin to want what He wants which means your requests are things He knows are right for mind He will answer.
Dear God most of time I'm asking you for stuff I'd like to get the point where I'm thinking like you then when I pray I know I'm praying in the direction you want me to Amen
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