Monday, May 7, 2018

May 6-7 and ,May 13-14 3

May 6-7 and ,May 13-14 3 Do you sometimes feel like a mosquito on an elephant back just a tiny little molecule in the scheme of the whole earth and the million of people on it. Why should God care about your little problems After all they are nothing compared to starving people or children dying of Aids You're just an average girl with average problems. Doesn't matter God loves you. If He takes care of individual birds and makes sure they have food and drink water don't you think He's going to take care of you. His child He cares about what you care about Talk to Him. Give Him a chance to help you. Well sometimes life is not black and white Some choices are gray It's hard to know if some things are wrong or right. You know that there isn't any verse that says. Thou shall not whatever so how do you know if this is a temptation that Satan is danging in front of you or if is new experience Ask God If you ask Him to show you right from wrong. He will And won't make you feel bad for asking Believe it or not He want make you to succeed in  life. He's not trip you up or trick you into making bad choices So ask Him for wisdom.     

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