Tuesday, January 26, 2016

life of jesus story 2

January 26/2016
Life of Jesus Story #2
On top of  the temple Matthew 4:5-7
·         Satan took Jesus to Jerusalem and stood Him on very top of the Temple.
·         The Temple is where God's people worshipped.
·         ''If you are God's  Son jump down from this high place.'' Satan said.
·         ''It is written in the Scriptures that God's angels will catch You.''
·         That was not a smart thing for Satan to suggest, and Jesus knew it.
·         He answered by saying, ''It is also written in the Scriptures, ''Do not test God.''
·          It is foolish to test or tease God. Testing God means doing very risky things that might  get you hurt.
The Kingdoms of the World Matthew 4:8-11
·         That sneaky devil Satan had one more best up his sleeve.
·         In addition, He took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world.
·         Satan said, ''Bow down and give honor to me and I will give You all these things.''
·         Jesus had an answer ready. ''Go away from Me. It is written in  the Scriptures, ''You must worship only the Lord God.''
·         Therefore, so Satan went away.

·         Even though we can't see Satan, He tries to get us to do things that are wrong.

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