Life of Jesus Story #6
The Woman at the Well John 4:3-41
Jesus and his disciples
were on their way from Judea to Galilee.
They took the road
through a land called Samaria.
The people who lived
there came from the families of Jacob the same as the Jews.
But the Samaritans and
Jews did not get along with one another.
Jacob was one of the
most important ancestors of all the people of Israel.
At noon, the disciples
went into town to buy some food.
Jesus sat near a place called
Jacob's Well to wait for them.
As he was waiting a
woman the well.
Jesus asked her to give
him a drink.
The woman was surprised,
You are a Jew she said to Jesus
And I am a Samaritan.
Jews will never take anything from Samaritan.
You don't know who I am,
Jesus said to her.
If you did would ask me for the water that gives life.
Sir the woman said, you
don't even have a bucket.
Where are you going to
get this life giving water.
Jesus told her everyone
who drinks from the drink in this well will get thirsty again.
But no one who drinks
the water I give will ever be thirsty again.
It is like a flowing
fountain that gives eternal life.
The woman ran back to
She told the people
about Jesus.
She said he was the
the savior they called
Some of the Samarians
went to the well asked Jesus to
stay in their town.
Jesus stayed for two days.
After that many
Samaritans put their faith in Jesus
as the woman had. They
too believed that he was the Savior of the world.