Saturday, October 3, 2015

story of david part 1

Story of David part 1   
God Choose David  1 Samuel  16:1-13
·        God told Samuel, "I have decided that King Saul won't be king much longer.
·        One of Jesse's sons will be Israel's king.
·        Go to Jesse's house Aniont this new king.
·        So Samuel traveled to Jesse's house.
·        Jesse called his sons together.
·        Samuel met the oldest who was tall and strong.
·        But Samuel shook his head no.
·        He was not the one God had chosen.
·        Samuel met six more sons.
·        But Samuel kept shaking his head no.
·        Samuel asked, Are there any more?
·        Jesse said, One more son is out taking care of  the sheep.
·        Samuel asked to meet him
·        The youngest son came.
·        His name was David.
·        This is the one. God knew that David loved Him.
·        So Samuel put oil on David's head.
·        God had chosen David to be Israel's new king.
·        No matter how old or young loving God is what's most important.

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