Tuesday, June 16, 2015

bread and fiush

Bread and Fish for Everyone Matthew 14-15,21 Mark 6:30-44 Luke 9:10-17 John 6:1-14
When the twelve apostles came back to Galilee, they told Jesus everything they had done and taught There were so many people around Jesus said to his friends Let's go someplace where we can be alone and get some rest. They left in a boat for a quiet place they knew about. But many people found out where Jesus was going. They ran to the place where his boat would land. When Jesus got there he saw a  large crowd. Thousands and thousands of men women  children were there. Jesus took pity on the people they were like sheep without a shepherd. He began teaching them many things and healing sick. The people stayed all day. The disciples told Jesus that the people are getting  hungry. Let them leave so they can to the villages near here and buy something to eat. Jesus answered they do not need to leave. You give them something to eat. The disciples  looked around to see what food they had. The disciples looked around to see what food they had. The disciple Andrew came back with a small basket. A boy gave me these five small loaves of bread and two fish. But what good is that with all these people. Jesus looked up to Heaven and gave thanks for food then he broke the bread and fish into pieces and gave them to his disciples. The disciples passed food out to the people. Jesus had fed five thousand men plus thousands of women and children  with just five loaves of bread and two fish.

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