Febraury 13
February 13 You come against me with saved and spear and javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the God of the armies of Israel where you have defeat. David and Goliath The classic story of big battling little coming out on top. The story of David and Goliath from the world's point of view finds no reason David should win Goliath was bigger stronger had more experience He had armor and a shield a spear David had a sling and stones but David knew that he had God on his side and no sword spear or javelin had a chance Him. So what does this mean to you Plain talking what tough things are you facing From family problems to your own self esteem come to the battle in name of the Lord Almighty Nothing can stand against that. Dear God for being on my side. I want to always live and fight in Your name Help me stay close to You Amen.
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