Thursday, February 9, 2017

journaL 1

What is worry? What are you most afraid of?By definition it is to the feel uneasy or anxious to fret or torment oneself with orsuffer from disturbing thought  We get our English word worry from the Germanword wurgen which means to strangle to choke. Our Lord spoke of  worry  oftenIn Matthew 6 Jesus told us not to worry about food or raiment or tomorrow.
Jesus states the Father feeds the bird and  put clothes  on  the grass of thefield don't you think He  will take care of you?  Your Creator the Lord Jesus Christ said.Worry is wrong thinking and wrong feelings.
 Cleansing His Father's House  part 1Jesus went up  to  the Passover .In the temple, he found people selling sheepand doves out for sacrifices. There were moneychargers  at their tables. Jesus made a whip outcords He used it to drive these people out of thetemple He chased their sheep into the street and
poured out their coins.

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