Friday, April 1, 2011


Hi everyone,
Sorry I didn't write blog for two weeks but sometimes I need break for while. I would like share with you what I have learned something new. What is Meek? Meek is gentle and kind humble. You should be meek and patient with people. Therefore, Jesus wants you to forgive each others. Also Jesus wants you love Him more than anything else because the Bible says you cannot serve both masters God and money at the same time. Bible story in John tells you about how Jesus was humble- Jesus washed disciples' feet. Jesus wants you to love people. Ask Jesus to help you to be humble with people love people.

What is Fruit of Holy Spirit? The answer is fruit of Holy Spirit- Love- love is patient and kind. Love is not envy selfish rude boast love is not happy with evil but love is happy with truth. Joy- Be happy always Rejoice in the Lord always I will again rejoice. Peace- the opposite of war The Lord is peace. Patience- Waiting without annoy to bother. Jesus wants you to be patient Be patient with everyone. Goodness- Never do anything evil Never do bad things. Jesus wants you follow Him always. Kindness- more kind more friendly not rude with people. Anyone who serve the Lord he must not fight but be kind with everyone. Faithfulness- you must have strong faith in Jesus believe in Jesus. Always trust in the Lord. Gentleness- Whoever hears God's voice do not be stubborn. Self-control- Ask Jesus to help you control yourself.

Short summary Story of last week Jesus' life On Sunday Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem. Jesus was angry when He saw people sell market in temple. On Thursday Jesus washed His disciples' feet. Jesus knew that the time for Him to die that was God's plan. The Lord's Supper Jesus gave His disciples bread which was His body. and Jesus gave His disciples juice which was His blood to remember Him. On Friday Jesus prayed to His heavenly Father said, ''Do what you want not what I want. Judas kissed Jesus' cheek to show soldiers Soldiers arrested Jesus. Peter denied Jesus three times. Jesus was beat by the soldier whipped Him and soldier put crown thorn on Jesus' head. Jesus was force by carry heavy wooden cross. Christ carried our sins in His body on the cross, Jesus cried out on the cross my God my God why you deserted me? Jesus said Father forgive them for they don't know what they do. It is finished then Jesus died. On Sunday Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus was alive again.

Here are some verses from the Bible

Verse from Bible Do not grumble against each others dear brother.

Verse From bible Be patience brothers until the Lord is coming.

Verse from bible Psalm Relax because the Lord takes care of you.

Verse from Bible Pray continually.

Verse from Bible The Lord protects those who have faithful.

Verse from Bible Sit at your Lord's right hand..

Verse from Bible The eternal God is your refuge.

Verse from Bible The Lord will reign forever and ever.

Verse from Bible The Lord is good and right.

Verse from the Bible The Lord is King forever.

Verse from the Bible The Lord hates sinful people.

Verse from the Bible The nations will fear the name of the Lord.

In addition, you can look at website or twitter to learn about Jesus and Bible.

Nada Ghattas

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