Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Matthew 5:8 and Verses from the Bible

Now I read New Testament. Matthew 5:8 says Blessed are pure in heart they shall see God.

Here are 2 verses from Bible
Turn your worries over God. He cares about you.,
Do not judge each other. You will not judged. You will judged in the same way you will judge each other.

Here are 2 verses about God from James and Titus:
Evil cannot tempt God. God Himself does not tempt anyone.
God who does not lie.

Here are 3 verses from John about God:
God is spirit. Those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth.
For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Before the world began there was Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

Here are 3 verses from Psalm:
Enjoy serving the Lord. He will give you what you want.
When I am afraid I will trust in you the Lord.
It is good to praise the Lord. It is good to music praise God. Most High.

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