Tuesday, November 11, 2008

FIVE songs you learned verses from Psalm

Here are four verses from Psalm:
  • Your (Lord's) works are wonderful.
  • I praise you (the Lord). For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Your (Lord's) word is like lamp for my feet and light for my path.
  • The Lord is my light and my salvation. I hope you remember four verses from Psalm. :-)

Here are five songs you learned.

1. A song about Prayer

Never stop praying. Hear my prayer O Lord. Answer my prayer O Lord. The Lord hears my prayer. He answers my prayer. Chorus Don't stop prayer. I love God because He hears my prayer and answers them.

2. A song about Follow Jesus

We want to follow you O Jesus. Our hearts want to follow Jesus. Chorus Help us to follow you O Christ. Please Christ help us not follow the world.

3. A song about Joy

We have joy in the Lord. Be joyful because you belong to Jesus. Chorus Joy comes in the morning.

4. A song about trust

When we feel afraid, we will trust in Jesus. Chorus We trust in you O Lord. I trust in the Lord.

5. Don't let the devil makes us feel sorrow. Let us worship Jesus. Chorus Jesus makes us happy.

I hope you enjoy five songs you learned. Encourage you learn how to sing praise the Lord. =)

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