January 31
A man's own fully ruins his life get his heart rays against the Lord. Do you blame someone else for your problem the crummier life gets do you try harder to blame someone else your problem are never your fault right. They didn't happen because of choices you've made Yeah right Sometimes life stinks because you've made dumb choices about how to treat other people where to spend your time and energy where to put to spread your time and energy where to put your interests and your pay the price for those choices don't try to blame God because your life stinks first accept responsibility for your choices clean up for your act before you get mad at God. Once you confess your sins and repent He will be right there to help you pick up the pieces and start fresh . Prayer Dear God okay I admit it I've made some really dumb choices and they are the reasons for some of the problems in my life I'm sorry Show me how to clean up my act Help me make better choices amen.
Dear Friends, My Name is Nada Ghattas. I am deaf and have cerebral palsy. My life is difficult, but I know the Lord Jesus Christ is with me. I enjoy reading God's word the Bible every day. God's word comforts my heart and gives me great joy.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
January 30
January 30
Blessed are you when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me Jesus.
You go to Church say a thanks prayer before lunch you choose to stay away from destructive behavior you choose not to use God's name as a swear words you choose not to use God's name as a swear word to rip up others reputation You make all these choices because you're a Christian a child of God's name of who wants to obey Him and live of God the way He commands. Be warned these choice may tick off other people because you don't make the same kinds of choice they do. They may try to make your life miserable just because you are Christian Don't worry God knows what is going on He promises to bless you because you've made the right choices Hang in there. Prayer Dear God I want to make the right choices I want people to know that I'm Your child help me be strong when the going gets tough Amen.
Blessed are you when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me Jesus.
You go to Church say a thanks prayer before lunch you choose to stay away from destructive behavior you choose not to use God's name as a swear words you choose not to use God's name as a swear word to rip up others reputation You make all these choices because you're a Christian a child of God's name of who wants to obey Him and live of God the way He commands. Be warned these choice may tick off other people because you don't make the same kinds of choice they do. They may try to make your life miserable just because you are Christian Don't worry God knows what is going on He promises to bless you because you've made the right choices Hang in there. Prayer Dear God I want to make the right choices I want people to know that I'm Your child help me be strong when the going gets tough Amen.
Monday, January 29, 2018
January 288-29 2
January 28-29 2
Prayer Dear God I'm going to need your help big time on one help me to love my enemies I can't do it without your help well to tell the truth I'd rather have you take away all my problems but If that isn't going to happen I'm glad that you are here to help me through them thanks Amen.
Prayer Dear God I'm going to need your help big time on one help me to love my enemies I can't do it without your help well to tell the truth I'd rather have you take away all my problems but If that isn't going to happen I'm glad that you are here to help me through them thanks Amen.
Janury 228-29 1
January 28-29 1
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people but love your neighbors as yourself I am the Lord. Okay so your friends are acting like jerks All of a sudden they want nothing to do with you. They lie to you about when and where they're hanging out They spread rumors about you out and out lies. How are you respond You could do just exactly what are doing. Keep the cycle going by gathering a new group of friends around and telling lies about your old friends treating them like jerks or you could do what God suggests. Stop the cycle and make the effort to make things better by loving your old friends just loving them that's what God says will work He should know He wrote the book on love. We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair persuaded but not abounded struck down but not destroyed. God never promised to take away all your problem Just because you become a Christian doesn't mean that sometimes you have problems He knows that other kids pick on you he knows there are problems at home or school He knows Not only does He know He cares You can count on Him to stick with you through all the junk of life. He'll be your strength. He'll show you how to act and react to others You will not be abandoned or destroyed by anything life brings.
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people but love your neighbors as yourself I am the Lord. Okay so your friends are acting like jerks All of a sudden they want nothing to do with you. They lie to you about when and where they're hanging out They spread rumors about you out and out lies. How are you respond You could do just exactly what are doing. Keep the cycle going by gathering a new group of friends around and telling lies about your old friends treating them like jerks or you could do what God suggests. Stop the cycle and make the effort to make things better by loving your old friends just loving them that's what God says will work He should know He wrote the book on love. We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair persuaded but not abounded struck down but not destroyed. God never promised to take away all your problem Just because you become a Christian doesn't mean that sometimes you have problems He knows that other kids pick on you he knows there are problems at home or school He knows Not only does He know He cares You can count on Him to stick with you through all the junk of life. He'll be your strength. He'll show you how to act and react to others You will not be abandoned or destroyed by anything life brings.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
January 27
January 27
I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. As you get to know God better by reading His word you will learn that sometimes your life is stinky because of choices you make The heart that doesn't know and serve God is wicked It makes selfish and sometimes rotten choices The hope that God offers is that you don't have to stay that way. When you ask Jesus into your heart He will cleanse it He promises to take away the urge to do wrong He'll even help you change the idols in your life that pull your heart away from God Your responsibility in this is so stay close to Him by reading His Word talking to Him and listening to Him. Prayer Dear God there is always something that is trying to pull me away from You I need your help to stick close to You I can't do it by myself Amen.
I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. As you get to know God better by reading His word you will learn that sometimes your life is stinky because of choices you make The heart that doesn't know and serve God is wicked It makes selfish and sometimes rotten choices The hope that God offers is that you don't have to stay that way. When you ask Jesus into your heart He will cleanse it He promises to take away the urge to do wrong He'll even help you change the idols in your life that pull your heart away from God Your responsibility in this is so stay close to Him by reading His Word talking to Him and listening to Him. Prayer Dear God there is always something that is trying to pull me away from You I need your help to stick close to You I can't do it by myself Amen.
Friday, January 26, 2018
January 26
For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one disdained me He has not hidden His not hidden His face from him but has listened to his cry for help. How do you feel about a friend who is always complaining Someone who has one problem after another Even if they are legitimate problems do you get tired of hearing about them Do you kind of stay away from that person Yeah probably Hearing about other people's problems get old But isn't it great to know that God doesn't do that He never gets sick of hearing about your problems or your pleas for help He cares you can go to God over and over He cares He will listen and He will help you through problems. Prayer Dear God I know I complain a lot I know I'm always asking you to help with things Thank You that never stop caring or listening or helping amen.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
January 25
January 25
When the Lord saw her His heart went out to her and He said Don't cry. If you ever wonder of God cares about what you're going through the Gospels and see how Jesus felt about people who were suffering This verse from the time when Jesus met a widow whose only son had just died This shows you the heart went out to her He felt bad for her and wanted to make her situation better The Gospels are filled with stories of Jesus helping people who were in pain. His character hasn't changed in 2,000 years He still cares His heart still goes out to you when you're hurting don't ever think that Jesus doesn't care He may not always take your problems away but He will walk through them with you. Prayer Dear Father thank you for caring about me when I'm hurting Thank you for always being with me it helps to know that I'm never alone Amen
When the Lord saw her His heart went out to her and He said Don't cry. If you ever wonder of God cares about what you're going through the Gospels and see how Jesus felt about people who were suffering This verse from the time when Jesus met a widow whose only son had just died This shows you the heart went out to her He felt bad for her and wanted to make her situation better The Gospels are filled with stories of Jesus helping people who were in pain. His character hasn't changed in 2,000 years He still cares His heart still goes out to you when you're hurting don't ever think that Jesus doesn't care He may not always take your problems away but He will walk through them with you. Prayer Dear Father thank you for caring about me when I'm hurting Thank you for always being with me it helps to know that I'm never alone Amen
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
January 24
Consider it pure joy my brothers whoever face trail of my kind because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
No one likes to hurt or have problems We'll do just about anything to stop pain. For physical pain you take medicine For emotional pain you either blame someone or get help You just want it to stop. Look at nature though the pressure of tons of weight turn ordinary minerals into diamonds gold has to be purified in a hot hot fire young tree that is blown around by stormy wind are actually strengthened God says that the same is true of us Problems can make us stronger because every time our faith in God is tested and we see Him come through we trust Him more. So instead of trying to get away from problems see what you can learn from them. Prayer Dear God this kind of a hard thing to learn but help me to learn from hard times Help me trust you more help my faith to grow stronger Amen.
No one likes to hurt or have problems We'll do just about anything to stop pain. For physical pain you take medicine For emotional pain you either blame someone or get help You just want it to stop. Look at nature though the pressure of tons of weight turn ordinary minerals into diamonds gold has to be purified in a hot hot fire young tree that is blown around by stormy wind are actually strengthened God says that the same is true of us Problems can make us stronger because every time our faith in God is tested and we see Him come through we trust Him more. So instead of trying to get away from problems see what you can learn from them. Prayer Dear God this kind of a hard thing to learn but help me to learn from hard times Help me trust you more help my faith to grow stronger Amen.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
january 23
January 23 The heart is deceitful about all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it. Have you ever opened a new bag of apples and found one right in the middle that's totally rotten Did you notice how the apples around that one are beginning to rot too Yeah rottenest spreads The same is true of what's in your heart. Okay let's back up a minute Have you been complaining that your life is rotten things are just not going well. Stop and look at your own heart. If there is hatred selfishness lies deceit or other rottenness living there that will come out in your life. Maybe some of your problems could possibly be your own fault. So maybe it would be a good idea to stop complaining about others or about your situation and clean your heart admit sinfulness confess it and repent Start fresh. Prayer Dear God it's hard to admit the wrong things I've done but I want to and to ask forgiveness please help me start fresh today. Amen.
Monday, January 22, 2018
january 21 22 2
January 21-22 1
January 21 22 1
Though you have not seen Him you love Him and even though you do not see Him now you believe in Him and are filled with an impressible and glorious joy for you are receiving the goal of your faith the salvation of your souls. It's late Your room is dark so is your soul. You feel alone and hopeless It seems like no one knows what you're going through or if they know just don't care Suddenly far away in the darkness you see a little pinprick of light slowly it moves closer and closer What is it Hope Hope that comes because even though you haven't seen God face to face you love Him and you know that He loves you He never leaves you alone He always cares about what you're feeling. You have heard that it was said Love your neighbor and hate your enemy But I tell you Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. So you love those who love you you're friendly to your friends you do nice things for those who do nice things for you, Big deal Anyone can do that. It's when life gets tough when someone tells lies about you cheats you steals from you or is just generally a jerk that you have a choice to make. You can decide to be just as stinky as they are and let your behavior sink to their level or you can choose to behave like God's child and love your enemy even pray for them it's a choice you have to make every day.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
January 20
January 20
If I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. Let's be honest sometimes life stinks Alcoholic parents parents who fight a lot serious money shortages to the point that you don't have food. Maybe you have no friends or you're failing at school whatever it is it's hard Is it hard to think about the future because you're scared things may not get better. There is an ultimate stopping point one place in the future where there will only be good. Christ promised that he would come back for His children and take them to heaven someday if he cares enough to do that for you it's reasonable to believe that He loves you enough to care for you day and in and day out here too. Prayer Dear God knowing You love me makes the future a lot less scary Thank you for loving me Amen.
Friday, January 19, 2018
January 19
January 19
Before I formed you in the womb I know you before you were born I set you apart. A feather floating through the air soars up and down right and left. It's hard to guess where it will land Do you ever feel your life is on a father's journey Some days you make good choices and some days you mess up you like piano and soccer you excel at math but stink at English how is all going to fit together. You aren't in this floating feather journey alone you know God has known you since before you first uttered a sound he has a plan for your life. Your responsibility is to stay close to him talk to him every day listen for Him to speak to you read His Word seek His guidance here's a tip Turn off your cellphone shut down the iPod Close your door and spend alone time with God. Dear Lord help me to learn how to be quiet and listen to you. Speak to me through your word amen
Before I formed you in the womb I know you before you were born I set you apart. A feather floating through the air soars up and down right and left. It's hard to guess where it will land Do you ever feel your life is on a father's journey Some days you make good choices and some days you mess up you like piano and soccer you excel at math but stink at English how is all going to fit together. You aren't in this floating feather journey alone you know God has known you since before you first uttered a sound he has a plan for your life. Your responsibility is to stay close to him talk to him every day listen for Him to speak to you read His Word seek His guidance here's a tip Turn off your cellphone shut down the iPod Close your door and spend alone time with God. Dear Lord help me to learn how to be quiet and listen to you. Speak to me through your word amen
Thursday, January 18, 2018
January 18
January 18
Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God How unsearchable His judgement and His path beyond tracking out. Do you love home made cookies Do you like to bake Did you ever start making cookies get all the ingredient out measure the sugar mix in the butter and then find out don't have enough floor to finish the recipe It's frustrating to run out of something and not be able to finish what you've started. It's nice to know that will never happen with God You can go to Him ask for His help and know that His wisdom and knowledge will never run out every minute of every hour of every day his well will never go dry So ask God's help his knowledge about the future his wisdom for your choices Go often and listen closely. Dear God I know you always finish what you start that includes your plan for my life help me to pay attention to everything you say Amen.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
January 17 2018
January 17 2018
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life As I was with Moses so I will be with you I will never leave you nor forsake you. More than likely know some people who just like to make others miserable. They make fun of your clothes your grades your body your family even your walk with God Some kids even try to get you to do things you know you shouldn't Yeah well as you get older those kinds of people keep coming at you. Does that make the future look scary. Hey no worries you weren't alone. God promises to be with you every step in the life today tomorrow and forever His promised that He will never leave you on your own So turn away from the creeps who want to knock you down and turn to God for help and strength Prayer Dear God I'm glad to know that you will never leave me I know You will help me face whatever life brings Thanks you Amen.
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life As I was with Moses so I will be with you I will never leave you nor forsake you. More than likely know some people who just like to make others miserable. They make fun of your clothes your grades your body your family even your walk with God Some kids even try to get you to do things you know you shouldn't Yeah well as you get older those kinds of people keep coming at you. Does that make the future look scary. Hey no worries you weren't alone. God promises to be with you every step in the life today tomorrow and forever His promised that He will never leave you on your own So turn away from the creeps who want to knock you down and turn to God for help and strength Prayer Dear God I'm glad to know that you will never leave me I know You will help me face whatever life brings Thanks you Amen.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
january 16

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up. So you've got problem well so does everyone else. Does that surprise you Did you think you were the only one Maybe that's because some people pretend that everything in life He is great. You can pretend for people and fool them for a long time but can't fool God for a minute. He knows what's going on your heart. He knows if you're happy sad mad depressed or hopeless Don't bother pretending Just tell God the truth even if you've caused the messes yourselves That's what humbling yourself means admitting your mistakes he cares he will lift you out of the messes and set your feet on the right path. Prayer Dear God I'm glad You know my mistake I'm glad I don't have to try to hide things from you please help me fix the things I've messed up and give me a fresh start Amen.
Monday, January 15, 2018
january 15
Whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. Garbage in garbage out. The stuff you let wander through your thought on a regular basis soon settle in your heart then begins to form who you are and what shape your life takes Don't play dumb you know the difference between right and wrong if you don't spend some time reading God's Word and you'll begin to understand what is true noble right pure lovely and admirable. If you'd be embarrassed for your parents to know what you're thinking or even worse if Jesus knew then it's wrong Putting better things in your mind will bring things out. Prayer Dear father I'm sorry for the things I let run around in my mind sometimes Please help me to focus my thought on good things Amen.
january 14
january 14
I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demon neither the present nor the future nor any power neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sometimes life is hard The truth is that it can sometimes get so hard it feels like God has turned His back on you like He doesn't know what you're going through parent who scream at you dads who split from the family the death of someone you love how hard life gets how alone you feel how discouraged you are remember this God Loves you Nothing can change that. He's holding to you even if doesn't feel like it sometimes trust his word it promises that His love is forever. Prayer Dear God thank you You thank You for loving me forever and always Amen.
I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demon neither the present nor the future nor any power neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sometimes life is hard The truth is that it can sometimes get so hard it feels like God has turned His back on you like He doesn't know what you're going through parent who scream at you dads who split from the family the death of someone you love how hard life gets how alone you feel how discouraged you are remember this God Loves you Nothing can change that. He's holding to you even if doesn't feel like it sometimes trust his word it promises that His love is forever. Prayer Dear God thank you You thank You for loving me forever and always Amen.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
January 13
January 13
A fool's mouth is his undoing and his lips are a snare to his soul.
Hey did ya hear about Rachel and Jason Well I heard gossip it so tempting but it can get you in such trouble It can wreck friendships ruin reputations for both those gossiped about and those who do the gossiping things about others and things said in anger will come back to haunt you. Friendship will be wrecked. After all who wants to be friends with someone who is mean People won't trust you with their secret or respect what you think or say. The best thing to do is to watch what you say you know the famous old saying from mothers around the world If you haven't got something good to say don't anything at all mothers are so wise. Prayer Dear God I really need help learning this lesson please help me by guarding my mouth for me Thanks Amen.
Hey did ya hear about Rachel and Jason Well I heard gossip it so tempting but it can get you in such trouble It can wreck friendships ruin reputations for both those gossiped about and those who do the gossiping things about others and things said in anger will come back to haunt you. Friendship will be wrecked. After all who wants to be friends with someone who is mean People won't trust you with their secret or respect what you think or say. The best thing to do is to watch what you say you know the famous old saying from mothers around the world If you haven't got something good to say don't anything at all mothers are so wise. Prayer Dear God I really need help learning this lesson please help me by guarding my mouth for me Thanks Amen.
Friday, January 12, 2018
January 12
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. What is the absolution most important thing in your life right now. Come on be honest Do you dream about being super population do you want to be the best at every school subject or do you want to better athlete or musician where do you put your energy and attention. Whatever occupies your attention your energy your thought that's what you've serving and whatever you are serving will determine how your life is going. Here's a thought choose God Yeah choose to put your energy and time into getting to know Him better choose to serving Him by learning His Word by letting Him guide your life. You'll find that life will go a lot better when God is at the center of it. Prayer Dear Father help me to put my energy into knowing you better I want you to be the most important thing in my life Amen.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
January 11 2018
January 11 2018
To You I call O Lord my Rock do not turn a deaf ear to me The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in Him and I am helped. It's time for some soul searching. Does this kind of thing ever happen in your family. Mom asks you to do something and you respond with Okay in a minute However that minute never comes Mom keeps asking and you keep putting her off You are turning a deaf to her. Thank goodness God never does that to you. When you're having problem or when you feel stuck in the stickiness of life you can call on God for help. You can call over and over and over. In fact that's what He wants you to do He will help you He promised Prayer Dear God this is awesome I can ask You for help every single day in fact You want me to Thank You so much Amen.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
January 10,2018
January 10,2018
The Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Is your life of a mess Whose fault do you think that is Come on be honest have been blaming everyone around you for your problems and not accepting any of the responsibility yourself Who made the choices that got you where you are Who decided to act like a jerk to others cheat on tests yell at Mom and Dad or whatever it is that makes your life stink You did right Well maybe you finally feel that it's time to behave and make wise choices but you just don't know how Proverbs 2:6 has the answer ask God he will give you wisdom knowledge and understanding three for the price of one Go ahead and ask He wants to give it to you. Prayer Dear God forgive me for the bad choices I've made. Help me to make better ones Guide my thoughts and my decisions Amen.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
January 9 2018
January 9 2018
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose. Aaaaaagrrggghhh Does this verse make you want to scream How can work good from my junk Go ahead and yell you'll feel better. Now listen to this God may now stop your parents divorce He may not give you great grades lots of friends amazing sports ability or a job for your dad He might but He also just might not However what He will definitely do if you will let Him is work in your heart to make your faith stronger He will show you that you can depend on Him As you see Him doing these things you will know more than ever that He loves you. Cool huh. Prayer Dear God help me to see You in my life Help me to recognize Your love and care even when things aren't going great Thanks for always being there Amen.
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose. Aaaaaagrrggghhh Does this verse make you want to scream How can work good from my junk Go ahead and yell you'll feel better. Now listen to this God may now stop your parents divorce He may not give you great grades lots of friends amazing sports ability or a job for your dad He might but He also just might not However what He will definitely do if you will let Him is work in your heart to make your faith stronger He will show you that you can depend on Him As you see Him doing these things you will know more than ever that He loves you. Cool huh. Prayer Dear God help me to see You in my life Help me to recognize Your love and care even when things aren't going great Thanks for always being there Amen.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Janaury 8 2nd
Do those words really mean anything to you. A skydiver wouldn't jump out a plane without testing his parachute A racecar driver wouldn't drive 200 miles per hour without testing his car. They know their equipment. If you've going to give your life to God shouldn't you know Him Read His Word to see how He has taken care of His people in the past. Be quiet before him let him speak to your heart. The better you know Him the more you will trust Him. Prayer Dear Father I want to know You better and better Help me learn to love Your Word and to love spending quiet time with you Amen.
January 8
The Lord is good a refuge in times of trouble He cares for those who trust in Him. You can trust God That's the bottom line. No matter what life throws you no matter how many bad choice you make no matter you make how lousy your attitude is you can trust God.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
january 6
My soul finds rest in God alone my salvation comes from Him He alone is my rock and my salvation He is my fortress I will never be shake. Where do you go for help when you're feeling crummy Do you turn to your friends to sports to magazines. If any of those things are your answer to problem you're probably still looking for comfort God is the most powerful loving and caring being in your whole life. Turn to Him for help and comfort and you will find someone who will hold on you no matter how hard life gets You'll find in Him someone who can actually do something about the not so nice stuff and someone who will love you all the way through it. God is a rock a fortress Pretty strong huh. Prayer Dear God sometimes I've looked in the wrong places for help and strength Forgive me Help me find my strength in you Amen.
Friday, January 5, 2018
January 5
January 5
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort who comfort us all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble. For I know the plan I have plan for you declare the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. Did you expect that when you became a Christian God would stop your problem things don't work that way. Sometimes bad things happen and God doesn't stop them. But He never leaves you alone to go through hard times. Maybe you think that if God stopped bad things from happening then people would see how powerful He is Guess What Sometimes people see God's power by watching you. They see how real faith works as you trust Him and allow Him to comfort and teach you through the stinky times of life. Prayer Dear God I'm going to need your help in a a major way if others are going to see your power in me when life stink help me to trust You more every day Amen. Nothing that happens to you is a surprise to God nothing He has plans for you that were laid out before you ever even opened your eyes for the first time on this earth. His plans are to bring good into your life A promise of hope that will lead all the way to heaven and a future with Him forever. Your part in this plan is simply to listen to Him and follow Him. Read His Word pray be still and listen for His voice in your heart. More than anything trust Him even through the hard times even when you can't see a light at the end of tunnel trust God's heart. Prayer Dear Father I'm so glad You have plan in my life I'm glad You're in control. amen.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018
Put on the full armor of God so that you can told your stand against the devil's schemes. It may be freaky to think about but sometimes the lousy things of life are caused by the devil. He wants to make sure that your friendship with God doesn't grow He wants to make sure that you don't tell other people that God loves them. So he keeps you mucking through the junk of life. He knows if he keeps you discouraged or busy you won't have time for the good stuff. So how do you fight the devil. By putting on God's armor. Read Ephesians 6 and find out how to wear the belt of truth breastplate of righteousness shield of faith helmet of salvation every thing you need to make the devil turn around and run like a scared cat. Prayer Dear God it's cool to know that the armor is there waiting for me I want to use it. Help me to put it on. Amen.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can told your stand against the devil's schemes. It may be freaky to think about but sometimes the lousy things of life are caused by the devil. He wants to make sure that your friendship with God doesn't grow He wants to make sure that you don't tell other people that God loves them. So he keeps you mucking through the junk of life. He knows if he keeps you discouraged or busy you won't have time for the good stuff. So how do you fight the devil. By putting on God's armor. Read Ephesians 6 and find out how to wear the belt of truth breastplate of righteousness shield of faith helmet of salvation every thing you need to make the devil turn around and run like a scared cat. Prayer Dear God it's cool to know that the armor is there waiting for me I want to use it. Help me to put it on. Amen.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
January 3 2018
January 3 2018
He heals the brokenhearted and birds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 People you thought were your friends in fact who used to be your friends suddenly start ganging up on you. They won't talk to you. You see them huddling together and giggling. You haven't done anything Nothing is different but all of a sudden you're out and they're in hurts doesn't it. How do we handle this You might feel like pond scum you start ugly rumors about your friends. Better idea Instead of getting down on yourself or them, talk to God about what's going on. He cares about your feelings and your loneliness. He will heal your broken heart. He will surround you with His love. He will give you new friends or restore the old ones. Tell Him how you're feelings He cares. Prayer Dear Father thank You for caring it really hurts when my friends are mean to me. Please help them to come back to me or help me find new friends it's lonely without them. Amen.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
January 2 2018
January 2 2018
Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Do you feel a hamster running on an exercise wheel You get up in the morning go to school sit through classes come home do homework have dinner go to bed and get up in the morning to start over all over again Maybe your friendships even feel a bit like the same old same old. This hamster wheel living gets pretty old. You might be tempted to look for some excitement in places where you shouldn't Jesus offers a better way cause He gives you the chance to let him take care of your problem. Trust Him to take care of life and you just enjoy it. Prayer Dear Lord knowing I can give my problems to you feels like taking a deep breathe of cool fresh air Help me to leave them with you and just trust You to take care of them Amen.
Monday, January 1, 2018
Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year 2018
When you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not scoop over the fire you will not be burned the flames will not set athletes and I am the Lord your God Isaiah 43:2-3 Sometimes life stinks your parents fight a lot or your dad drinks and you're afraid of him. There isn't money to buy food let alone new clothes CD's or other cool things Yeah sometimes life stinks. It can feel like the bad things are weights that hold you down. Is it hard to find God in the middle of all that These bible verses promise that bad things won't hold you down forever if you turn to God. He loves you He won't let you go. Ask Him for help. Prayer Father thank you reminding me again and again that I can depend on You. You promise to never leave me alone. Don't ever let me forget that. Amen.
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