Saturday, November 2, 2013


1.) Q:Who made you?
     A: God made you.
2.) Q:  What else did God make?
      A: God made all things.
3.)  Q: Is there more than one true God?
        A: No there is only one true God.
4.) Verse  from the Bible
      -Your word is like lamp for my feet light for my path.


H5 said...

Hi Nada,
We didn't get a chance to say hello this morning but just wanted to let you know that we appreciate you and your family. We are the family that sit frequently sit behind you.

Mark, Alyssa, ALex, Ethan, and Caitlin

H5 said...

Hi Nada,
We didn't get the chance to say hello this morning, but just wanted to let you know that we enjoy your company in church. We usually sit right behind you and your Mum and Dad. Your faithfulness is an encouragement to us all.
Mark, Alyssa, Alex, Ethan and Caitlin