Dear Friends, My Name is Nada Ghattas. I am deaf and have cerebral palsy. My life is difficult, but I know the Lord Jesus Christ is with me. I enjoy reading God's word the Bible every day. God's word comforts my heart and gives me great joy.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
5 verses from the bible
1.) We thanks to you O God We thanks to you are near.
2.) Wait for the Lord's help and follow Him.
3.) God's word is true.
4.) We put our hope in the Lord He is our protector and helper
5.) Sing to the Lord who does what is right.
Friday, April 29, 2011
5 verses from Bible
Fear of the Lord that is wisdom
God has called us peace.
The Lord Almighty is with us.
Serve the Lord with all your heart and your soul.
Jesus will keep you strong.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
8 verses from the Bible
1.) O Lord our Lord How majestic is your name in all the earth.
2.) Rejoice in the Lord always and be glad.
3.)Your Lord word is like lamp for my feet light for my path.
4.) Anyone who serves the Lord must not fight but be kind to everyone.
5.) Turn all your worries He cares of you.
6.) The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not in want.
7.) Flee evil desires,
8.) Thanks to be God who gives us victory through Lord Jesus Christ.
In addition Jesus said I am coming soon Jesus is coming very soon The Lord loves you. :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
5 verses from the Bible
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5 verses from bible and four new songs
- No one is holy like the Lord.
- Give praise to the Lord.
- God is not like people who lie. God is not a human who changes his mind.
- Praise the Lord because He is good.
- Your Lord dew is like dew in the morning.
Here are four new songs for you
''Enjoy serving God He will give you what you need''
Enjoy serving God He will give you what you need
Enjoy serving God He will give you what you need
Enjoy serving God He will give you what you need
Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you need
Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you need
Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you need
''Be joyful because you belong to Jesus''
Be joyful because you belong to Jesus
Be joyful because you belong to Jesus
Be joyful because you belong to Jesus
Be joyful because you belong to Christ
Be joyful because you belong to Christ
Be joyful because you belong to Christ
''O God Your works are wonderful''
O God, Your works are wonderful
O God, Your works are wonderful
O God, Your works are wonderful
O Lord, your works are wonderful
O Lord, your works are wonderful
O Lord, your works are wonderful
''Wait for the Lord because He knows what is the best for you''
Wait for the Lord because He knows what is the best for you
Wait for the Lord because He knows what is the best for you
Wait for the Lord because He knows what is the best for you
Wait for God because He knows what is the best for you
Wait for God because He knows what is the best for you
Wait for God because He knows what is the best for you
song written by nada ghattas I hope you will enjoy four new songs :-)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
10 verses from the Bible
- I can do everything through who gives me strength.
- Flee evil desires.
- I will sing to the Lord with all my heart.
- Serve the Lord with your heart.
- The fear of the Lord that is wisdom.
- Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice.
- The Lord resign forever.
- He will judge the world.
- O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all earth.
- Rejoice in the Lord and be glad.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
3 new songs
My hope is in you O Jesus
My hope is in you O Jesus
My hope is in you O Jesus
O Jesus You are my hope
O Jesus You are my hope
O Jesus You are my hope
''Serve the Lord day and night''
Serve the Lord day and night
Serve the Lord day and night
Serve the Lord day and night
Serve the Lord in the morning
Serve the L0rd in the morning
Serve the Lord in the morning
Serve the Lord in the evening
Serve the Lord in the evening
Serve the Lord in the evening
''Praise the Lord because He is so good''
Praise the Lord For He is so good
Praise the Lord For He is so good
Praise the Lord For He is so good
Praise God for He is so good
Praise God for He is so good
Praise God for He is so good
song written by Nada Ghattas I hope you enjoy it :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
7 verses from Old Testament
Friday, April 15, 2011
3 new songs

''Don't worry about your life''
Don't worry about your life Why? The Lord has great plan for your life
Don't worry about your life Why? The Lord has great plan for your life
Don't worry about your life Why? The Lord has great plan for your life
Give your worries to Jesus Because He cares of you. God has great plan for your future
Give your worries to Jesus Because He cares of you. God has great plan for your future
Give your worries to Jesus Because He cares of you. God has great plan for your future.
O Jesus O Jesus You are holy
O Jesus O Jesus You are holy
O Jesus O Jesus You are holy
Jesus is holy pure and perfect
Jesus is holy pure and perfect
Jesus is holy pure and perfect
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord who rules over everything
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord who rules over everything
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord who rules over everything
''Jesus is Good Shepherd who died on the cross for your sins''
Jesus is Good Shepherd who died on the cross for your sins
Jesus is Good Shepherd who died on the cross for your sins
Jesus is Good Shepherd who died on the cross for your sins
Jesus is Lamb of God He died on the cross for your sins
Jesus is Lamb of God He died on the cross for your sins
Jesus is Lamb of God He died on the cross for your sins
8 Verses from the Bible
- Lord, I wait for your salvation.
- All powerful God blesses you.
- Sexual sin is shameful.
- Christ lives in me.
- God lives in you.
- God is love.
- All things are possible with God.
- See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil.
I hope you read bible everyday encourage you be happy always Jesus wants you be happy always Rejoice in the Lord always I will say again Rejoice :)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Verses from the Bible
- For God loves cheerful giver.
- Serve God day and night.
- Serve the Lord with your hearts.
- There is no one right.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Few verses bible
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Few verses from the Bible
Monday, April 11, 2011
Six verses from Bible
Friday, April 8, 2011
few verses
Thursday, April 7, 2011
nine verses from the Bible
Here are nine verses from the Bible
1.) Adam named His wife Eve. Genesis 3:20.
2.) Verse from Genesis Give praise to the Lord the God of Shem.
3.) Verse from Psalm Enjoy serving the Lord He will give you what you want.
4.) Verse from Psalm Wait for the Lord Be strong and take heart Wait for the Lord.
5.) Praise the Lord Give thanks to the Lord Because He is good His love is eternal. Psalm 106:1.
6.) Verse from Matthew Jesus said, ''Love your neighbors and hate your enemies but I tell you the truth Love your enemies pray for those who hurts you.''
7.) Verse from Matthew Blessed those who mourns they will be comforted.
8.) Verse from Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always I will again Rejoice.
9.) Verse from Bible Christ lives in me.
I encourage you read nine verses from the Bible :o)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
nine verses from bible
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
10 verses from the bible
- The Lord's name should be praised now and forever.
- The Lord loves us very much. His truth is everlasting.
- We will praise the Lord now and forever.
- God's word is true.
- Praise the Lord because He is good.
- Do not resist evil person.
- The cross is power of God.
- Jesus will keep you strong.
- Saul later name was Paul asked who are you? A voice said I am Jesus why you are trying to hurt my people.
- Never stop praying.