Here are two verses from New TestamentGod is Spirit those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth.When someone being tempted he should not say God tempting me. Evil cannot tempt God. God Himself doesn't tempt anyone.
What did God create for six days? The answer is God created the universe for six days.First day, God created heaven and earth.Second day, God created air and sky.Third day, God created oceans and plants.Fourth day, God created sun, moon, and stars.Fifth day, God created birds and fish.Sixth day, God created all animals and a man.Seventh day, God rested from His work.
Here is Story of Jesus part 11.) After John was arrested by Herod Antipas, Jesus preached God's Good News.2.) Jesus changed water into wine at village Cana in Galilee.3.) Jesus healed a man who was born blind. He spat mud and put the man's eyes. Jesus told the man, ''Go to pool and wash your eyes.'' After the man washed his eyes, he could see.4.) Jesus fed five thousand men, women and children five loaves of bread and two fish.5.) Jesus healed a woman who had fever. A woman felt fine. She could serve the meal.6.) Jesus calmed the storm. He told wind and waves, ''be quiet.'' The wind and waves obeyed Him.
Here are two verses from Mark1.) Later after John was arrested by Herod Antipas Jesus went to Galilee to preach God's Good News.2.) Jesus said, ''I know you Holy One sent from God.''
Prepare pathway for the Lord's coming!Make straight road for Him!
Here are two verses from JohnJesus said ''you are gladly honor each others but you don't care about God.''When Jesus was walking on the water,His disciples were on the boat they suddenly saw Jesus walking on water they were terrified. But Jesus told them ''Don't be afraid. I am here.''
Here are five verses from PsalmThey will be condemned in time of judgment. Sinners are no place.But the one who rules in heaven laughs.My God my God why you deserted me?Wait for the Lord don't lose your hope Wait for the Lord.For you LORD comforted and helped me.
What happen to Satan? The answer is The Satan will be thrown into lake of fire , which means hell. The Satan will be banish in there forever. In addition, People who do not believe in Jesus will go to hell.The Bible says, ''Jesus said, my command, Love one another you must love one another as I have loved you.'' That means Jesus wants you to love each others. He wants you to not be jealous of each others. Jesus wants you to be nice to each others. He wants you to follow Him always. In addition, The Bible teaches you Since God have loved us we ought love one another. Let us not be jealous of each others.
said to him, ''Do not put the Lord your God to the test.''Jesus said to Satan,''Away from me Satan it is written Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.''Jesus cried on the cross, ''My God my God why you deserted me?'' verse from MarkJesus cried on the cross, ''My God my God why did you forsaken me?'' verse from MatthewJesus said, ''Come to me all you who are weary and burdened I will give you rest.''Jesus said, ''I am with you always until end of ages.''Jesus said,''I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you.''Jesus said, ''I am telling you the truth Open your eyes and ready for harvesting.''
The wages of sin is death but gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is same yesterday today tomorrow and forever.The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
Here are two verses from the Bible new testamentKeep yourselves in God's love as you wait for mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ bring you to eternal life.Jesus loves us and has freed us from our sins by blood.
Bible says, ''Jesus said, I am with you always to very end of ages.'' That means Jesus is with you always because He is your best friend. Jesus loves you very much.Bible says , ''God has said, Never I leave you never I forsaken you.'' That means God never leave you alone. He is with you always. God never forget you. God knows what you need. You trust in the Lord. God wants you be happy always.
Here are five new verses from John,1. Jesus asked Peter,''Do you love me?'' Peter said to Jesus,''Lord, you know that I love you.''2. Jesus said on the cross, ''It is finished.''3. Instead One of soldiers pierced side of Jesus with a spear sudden flow with water and blood.4. Jesus said, ''Whoever serves me must follow me.''5. For God did not send His Son to condemn world but saves the world through Him.Here are review nine verses from John1. Jesus said, ''I am good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep knows me.''2. Jesus said, ''If you love me you will obey my commands. I will send you another Helper Holy Spirit be with you.''3.Jesus said, ''Don't complain what I tell you.''4.Jesus said,''Stop grumbling among yourselves.''5.Jesus said,''I am light of the world. Whoever follow me never walk in the darkness. They will have light that leads to life.''6.Jesus said,''My command Love one another you must love one another as I have loved you.''7.In the beginning there was Word. The word was with God. The word was with God.8.Jesus said,''I am telling you the truth, Look! Open your eyes and ready for harvesting.''9.Jesus said,''Whoever hears my word and believes me will not condemn but have eternal life.''
Here are three verses from PsalmsHe has set fountain for Holy mountain; The Lord loves the gates more than all the dwellings of Jacob.The Lord will write register to people; ''this one was Zion.''
ere are two verses from New TestamentThanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord.Peter said to Jesus, ''Lord, you know that I love you.''
Bible says, ''Before Jesus die on the cross, Jesus kneeled and prayed, do what you want not what I want.'' That means Jesus obeyed God's willing. He died on the cross for us. God sent His Son Jesus to save us from sins.Therefore, You should obey the Lord always. The Lord wants you to follow what He wants you to do. You don't listen to devil and don't follow the world because devil is liar. The Bible teaches you be careful and be wise. Ask the Lord give you wisdom.
My name is Nada Ghattas. I am Deaf and have Cerebral Palsy. My life is not easy; however, I believe that the Bible God's word is true, filled with truth, and wisdom. God's word comforts me. I know that Jesus loves me very much. I love Tenth Presbyterian Church. My friends loves me and I love them too. I enjoy evening service because I have good interpreters in Sign Language Roz and Jen to help me to understand the Bible God's word. If there was no Deaf Ministry I would feel frustrated and upset. I praise the Lord for Deaf Ministry. I will use God's word always. I will depend on the Lord always.
Here are two verses from Old Testament:You work on six days but no work on seventh day, so that your slaves and forigners work for you and your animals you and your animals need to rest.The Lord will be ruler for ever and ever.