ere are five verses from the BibleI called to my God for help.In his temple He heard my voice.He listened to my cry for help.I will thank to the Lord with all my heart.Give thanks to the Lord his love is endure forever.
Here are three verses from the Bible MatthewGive us today daily bread.Forgive us the wrong we have done as we forgive each others the wrong against us.Do not let us into temptation. But deliver us from Evil One.
Here are four verses from the Bible Old TestamentI am the Lord who rules over everything you must think about me for I am holy.The man plans in his heart. But The Lord's purpose wins out the plan.''Comfort my people,'' say God. Comfort them.
Stand up! Praise the Lord your God who lives for ever and ever.
Here are 4 verses from JohnJesus said, "Whoever hears my word and believes in him (God) who sent me has eternal life and be condemned."Jesus said, "I am light of world Whoever follow me never walk in the darkness they have light that leads to life."Jesus said,"I am Good Shepherd. My sheep knows me and I know my sheep."Jesus said, "I am telling you the truth. Open your eyes and ready for harvesting."Happy Thanksgiving :)
Here are verses from the BibleLet us help each others do good work.
Paul said I am telling the truth in Christ. I am not lying, my conscience is confirm it in the Holy Spirit.I trust in God's love for ever and ever.What the Bible teaches you about each others?Help each others do good works.Do not judge each others.Encourage each others.Do not tell bad words with each others.Love each others.Forgive each others.Be kind with each others.Be patient with each others.
Here are three verses from the BibleYou must get rid of these things anger and hate feeling.Give thanks to the Lord for He is good his love is endure forever.We know that all things God works for who love Him.
Here are four verses from the Bible Psalms1. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our protector and helper.2. He (God) is my rock and my salvation.3. O Lord have mercy on me.4. I will thank to the Lord with all my heart.
This is Nada Ghattas. I am Deaf and have Cerebral Palsy. My life is not easy; however, I believe that the Bible is true, filled with truth, and wisdom. God's word comforts me. I know that Jesus loves me very much. In addition, I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I know that Jesus makes me happy. Three verses from the Bible are Rejoice in the Lord always. I will again rejoice. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name in all earth. I will use God's word always. I will depend on the Lord always.Nada Ghattas
Here is talk about who is Jesus ChristJesus is your best friend.Jesus is your Savior.He saves you from sins.Jesus is best food for your spirit.Jesus fights for you.Jesus protects you from devil.Jesus gives you wise.Jesus gives you strength.Jesus wants you enjoy your life.Jesus knows what is the best for you.Jesus wants you to obey Him.Jesus gives you everything what you need.Jesus lives in your heart.Jesus is Lamb of God.Jesus is Son of God.Jesus died on the cross for your sins.Jesus rose from the death.Jesus comforts your heart.Jesus makes you happy.Jesus loves you very much.Jesus is with you always.
Here are three verses from the BibleHear you Deaf and Look you blind and see.Sing to the Lord with new song.I will thank to the Lord with all my heart.
Here are two verses from the BibleDo not be ashamed to testify about the Lord.Love the Lord your God with all your soul mind and strength.Love your neighbor as you love yourselves.
Here are Two verses from the BibleThe Lord will protect you from all danger.The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid.
Two Verses From the Bible Don't be afraid you are more worthy than sparrows.They looked up and saw there was no one but Jesus.
Verse from Jeremiah Turn and listen to Him (the Lord).Verse from John Jesus said, "I am telling you the truth, I am living bread that coming from heaven."
Do not complain against each others.I will tell wonderful things you (Lord) have done.
Here are two verses from the Bible:The One who is sitting throne and said, "Look I am making new everything!"Jesus said "I tell you open your eyes. Look! ready for harvesting."
Here are two verses from John:Jesus said, "I am telling you the truth, you will see heaven and God's angels going up and coming down on Son of Man."John 3:16-17 For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son to be into judge but to be savior.
Here are two verses from the Bible:It is good to praise the Lord, it is good to singing praise God. Most High.But some people accepted Jesus they believed in Christ Jesus.
Here are review verses from John:God is Spirit. Those who God must worship Him in spirit and truth.Before the world began, there was Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God.The next day John saw Jesus was coming said to Him that the Lamb of God who takes away sin the world!Jesus replied, "Don't complain what I tell you."Jesus said, "I am good shepherd. My sheep knows me and I know my sheep."Jesus answered, "Stop grumbling among yourselves."
Here are two from JohnJesus answered, "Stop grumbling among yourselves."The next day John saw Jesus was coming the Lamb of God who takes away sins in the world!
Fool people said, “There is no God.” They do horrible and terrible things. That mean some people think there is no God because they don’t believe God who created heaven and earth. They do evil things.
Do not like Cain who murdered his brother Abel. That means Cain who hated his brother Abel because Cain was jealous of Abel. In addition, Abel was taking care of sheep. God accepted Abel and his offering because Abel trusted and loved God. Abel was humble; however, Cain was farmer and worked with crops. God didn’t accept Cain and his offering because Cain was too proud. God warned Cain not follow devil but Cain decided refuse to listen to God. Cain murdered his brother Abel. Cain went to Nod east of Eden.
The Bible teaches you don’t be jealous of people and don’t hate people. Jesus wants you to love people and be nice and be patient with people. Jesus wants you forgive people.
Two verses from tthe Bible:We know that in all God works for good those who love Him.Lord, you know that I love you.
Here are two verses from New Testament:Don't worry about anything instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for He has done for you.If you love Jesus you will obey His commands. Jesus will ask the Father and another Helper Holy Spirit will be with you forever.
What is Sin? Do you remember story of Adam and Eve what you learned? Here is review story of Adam and Eve: God told Adam that he should not eat fruit from tree Knowledge of Good and Evil. Snake was Satan. Snake tempted Eve to eat fruit. Eve ate it She gave her husband Adam some fruit. Adam ate it. They disobeyed God. God sent Adam and Eve out Garden of Eden. He banished Adam and Eve. They had to work hard. In addition, disobey is not obey and follow God. Banish is punish.We are like Adam and Eve. All of us can be tempted to do bad things, which is wrong. In addition, God is displeased every time you sin. We know that God hates sin. God still love us when we sin against Him. God can take us to His beautiful heaven. When you do wrong things, you can ask Jesus for forgive your sins. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Therefore, Christ carried our sins in His body on the cross. Christ died for us while we were sinners. In this way God shows His great love for us. All people have sinned and are not good for glory of God.
Greeting everyone, This is Nada Ghattas. I enjoyed to writing blog everyday to try help you to know about the Lord and understand what the Bible tells you. I will try to write blog often but I will write blog sometime in the future. I know that the Lord have great plans for me. Here are review what you learned from the Bible lesson:Jesus said, "Don't complain what I tell you." that means Do not complain what the Lord wants you to do. Obey what the Lord tells you to do. Do not worry about tomorrow and do not worry about your life that means don't think about what happen to your life. In addition, you should trust in the Lord always. The Lord have great plan for your future. He wants you enjoy your life.Do not be drunk on wine, instead, be filled with Spirit. People drink wine one time; however, some people drink wine too much often, which causes their body dizzy that is very wrong. Be wise don't drink too much wine.You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor that means you don't tell lie to people; however, you have to tell people the truth.The Bible tells you don't tell bad words with people. The Bible tells you what is good and what is evil. If you ignore what the Bible teaches you, you will do evil things.The Bible teaches you how to be nice and patient with people. The Bible tells you how to love and forgive people as Jesus have loved and forgave you. The Bible is filled with truth and wisdom. God's Word comforts you. You should use God's Word always. Jesus loves you very much. He died on the cross for your sins. When you do bad things, you ask Jesus for forgive your sins. Never stop praying that means to keep and continue praying until the Lord will answer your prayer. The Lord knows what you are thinking all times. The Lord knows what the best is for you. He knows before you were born. You should depend on the Lord always. God loved Jacob but God hated Esau that means Jacob believed and loved God but Esau didn't care about God. God displeased with Esau. Today some Christian people don't care about the Lord as Esau did. The Lord displeases them.If you know Jesus as your Savior, you have Holy Spirit. Therefore, ask Holy Spirit to help you feel His comfortable. If you love Jesus, you will obey His commands. Jesus will ask the Father and another Helper Holy Spirit will be with you forever.I hope you remember what you learned from the Bible lesson and what I try to interpret what the verses from the Bible means to make you understand the Bible more clear. I hope you enjoy learn from the Bible. The Lord wants you to be happy always. :)